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Contact and Procedure


By e-mail or telephone

Are you considering whether psychotherapy or coaching could be helpful in overcoming your difficult situation or psychological stress? Feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail for a non-binding and prompt initial consultation. We will clarify your questions and support you in finding the right treatment.

Initial Consultation

In presence or online

The initial consultation is mainly about getting to know each other. You get to know our way of working and we get an initial picture of your issue. At the end of the session, we will provide you with information and recommendations on how to proceed.

Trial Sessions

Therapy sessions

Probatory Sessions

Following the initial consultation, 4 probatory sessions (“probare” is the Latin word for “to try out”) take place, in which you can check for yourself whether the chemistry between us is right and whether you would like to continue psychotherapy in our practice. The trial sessions are used for diagnostics and further therapy planning. In order to clarify whether your complaints may have physical causes, we will ask you to obtain a so-called consultation report (Konsiliarbericht) from your family doctor or psychiatrist during the sessions. At the end of the trial sessions, we will decide together whether treatment should be continued in our practice. We will then support you in applying for psychotherapy from your health insurance provider. The costs for the preliminary sessions are usually covered by your health insurance.

Short-term & long-term therapy

Therapy sessions usually last 50 minutes and take place once a week. The frequency and duration of treatment are determined according to your individual concerns and symptoms. Behavioral therapy strategies can often bring about positive changes in a comparatively short time. Short-term therapy usually involves around 24 sessions, while long-term therapy involves around 45 to 60 sessions. Coaching sessions usually last between one and ten sessions, but can be continued over a longer period if necessary.


Fees & Billing

Private health insurance and state-aid (Beihilfe)

In principle, you will be invoiced for our psychotherapy services on a monthly basis. In general, the costs of psychotherapy are reimbursed by private health insurance companies and state aid offices (Beihilfe). The amount of reimbursement depends on the contract you have concluded with the insurance company. Therefore, please find out in advance to what extent your insurance will cover the costs of psychotherapeutic treatment. Billing is based on the scale of fees for psychotherapists (Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten, GOP), which is recognized by all private health insurance companies.

Cost reimbursement procedure

Our practice does not currently offer billing with statutory health insurance companies or cost reimbursement procedures. Psychotherapeutic treatment as a self-payment service is of course still possible in our practice. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact psychotherapists with health insurance approval (Koordingationsstelle Psychotherapie, coordination office for psychotherapy).

Self-pay services

You can also decide to bear the costs of psychotherapy yourself. You will be invoiced for the services on a monthly basis, eliminating the need for an application and further bureaucracy. Billing is based on the scale of fees for psychotherapists (Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten, GOP).

Fee rate of the GOP

Billing in our practice is based on the scale of fees for psychotherapists (Gebührenodnung für Psychotherapeuten, GOP). We charge 3.5 times the rate per therapy session (€153 per 50 minutes). This means that sometimes you will only be reimbursed a portion of the session fee when billing private health insurance. Please clarify this directly with your private health insurance compan before starting treatment.

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